The traditional tumblr-inspo post.

All you need is less.

We all want a beautiful place to live in. I'm still waiting for my own place. When I move, I want it to be like the pictures I see everywere on tumblr. Lots of white and light, some green to break it off, and tons of pictures on the walls. I really want to move now, but it's hard when you don't have a steady income. One week I'm working my ass off and the next, nothing.
Anywho, this is my interior design dream. Light and easy. Less is more.

Hur svårt ska det vara att hitta fina bustiers/bralettes som sitter bra? Skulle gärna ha en svart och vit spets. Åh...
Blommor och ljus.

När våren börjar närma sig. Man försöker få så mycket sol på sig som möjligt. Den där fina doften av värme och solig hy. Man väntar på att träden ska knoppa och slå ut i grönska. När asfalten blir fri från all grus och det knastrar inte när man går. Man börjar klä av sig, bort med vinterjackan. Färger. Fåglarna kvittrar och isen försvinner. Ljuset är tillbaka och man blir pigg och gladare igen. Håret börjar att solblekas.
Det konstiga är att man glömmer känslan av våren varje vinter. Och när det är dags så är det som en helt ny värld igen, varje år. Det känns fantastiskt och det är svårt att tänka sig att hela världen blir grön om bara någon månad.
Övergången mellan vinter, vår och sommar är nog den bästa som finns.
Personalized Iphone-case
So I finally got my thumb out of my ass and ordered some transparant Iphonecases. It's the greatest thing because you can just put the picture you want under it and ta-daaa! Print them out, find them in magazines, whatever! Best thing evah.

The two on the left is my own photograph :)

And ofc you gotta have some pictures of the greatest humans ever. The Beatles<3

Amazing Q2HAN
Was looking through the DIY Fashion tag at tumblr yesterday and stumbled upon an amazing youtube channel - Q2HAN (2qhan).
They have an fantastic fashion sense (to me) and post DIY tutorials every now and then. And I really like the things they make. I'm gonna try them for my self soon, when I got fabric and extras! So expensive though.
But, If you wanna look good...!
Check out their YouTube channel and blogspot!

No, they didn't make me do this promo. I just loved them and wanted to share :)

Far over the misty mountains rise, leave us standing upon the heights

I wish I lived in a place where you could take a 20 min drive and see this. Amazing mountains and landscapes. Lately I've been all head-over-heels for pictures and places like this. I think it's because of The Hobbit. Imagine living near this, you just grab your camera, and a great book, and enjoy the view and be at peace.
Such a lovely thought.
Spring Lookbook

Spring Lookbook from Urban Outfitters. GIllar verkligen känslan i bilderna, och pastellerna. Mest av allt blir jag galet avundsjuk på hennes hår. Jag vill bli blond på en gång, men jag vill inte heller förstöra allt. Arghh...
Spring Lookbook from Urban Outfitters. Really like the feeling and pastels. And ofc her hair. I want it like that!
You were only waiting for this moment to arrive.

/Started listening to Blackbird by the Beatles on replay. If you didn't know, I'm a huge Beatles and Paul McCartney fan. When I was listening to Blackbird I thought to myself that I want that mainstream tattoo with flying birds. Next one maybe, or a strawberry. We'll see.
Tumblr gives me inspiration

Simply beautiful

There is something special with small alleys or streets like this. I wish I lived in a city full of them, it's simply beautiful.