i Hola !

Busy week! Last Monday (Prob already told u this) they called from Willys and asked if I could work Tuesday, and it ended up working Tuesday-Friday. Almost all week. Feels great, although I'm tired as hell.
Today I've been watching BBC Entertainment all day. I totally love QI and Top Gear. British lads being funny <3
Today I've been watching BBC Entertainment all day. I totally love QI and Top Gear. British lads being funny <3
I also just now ordered the LOTR BOX - Extended! The subs are only in English though, but it was cheap and I think I can handle it. I'm just looking forward to the extra material. Omg. THE COMMENTARY TRACK. I can't wait. I think it'll arrive on Wednesday, at it's latest.
Blah blah, I just wanted to post something. So, there. The blawg is updated. I haven't forgotten about you bros.